An Exciting Interview with The Virtual Regatta Racing Gamer Doğan Pinhas

We had a pleasant interview with Doğan Pinhas, who has taken up Virtual Regatta as a hobby and whose dream is to cross the Atlantic in a sailboat.

(Virtual Regatta: Online Boat Racing Simulation Application)

Can we get to know you briefly? 

Born in 1979 in Istanbul, I graduated from Saint Michel, Purdue University Business Administration, I am married and have 2 daughters. I have degrees in many different sports. I am one of the first PC (486) users, a collector of comics and old books. I try to play an active role in more than one NGO. I am currently on the board of the Turkish Jewish Museum and the Association for the Protection of Cultural Heritage. I have been part of the scientific team of the Letoon - Xanthos Excavations since 2022. I am a curious person who loves art, reading and computer games.

When and how did your interest in sailing begin?

I guess my interest in sailing is an interesting memory. My grandfather used to live in Caddebostan and I started taking Optimist lessons at Moda Yacht Club in order to see him at the weekends and make the most of my time. I can't forget my high school classmate Can Ergün, who participated in sailing races in high school and university, and he was the one who got me interested in sailing.

What is "Virtual Regatta"? Can you tell us in a few words?

Virtual Regatta is a simple boat racing game played against real people in real time on PC, Android, IOS bases. There are 2 types of races like inshore and offshore.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Virtual Regatta platform?

If there is a flight simulation for pilots, why not for sailors? Finding the best route to the finish line, finding the right angle for the wind, testing whether I made the right tack at the right time, as well as being able to use the boat in different parts of the world or sail around the world is virtually possible here.

Disadvantage? I don't think there's a disadvantage if you're in the right place in terms of effort and time. I didn't learn quickly, to be honest. I haven't tried it, but in reality you can try to use your sailboat with these angles and find yourself in exciting times of storms :)

The Turkish Sailing Federation has published a manual on how to use the Virtual Regatta platform and how to organise e-sailing events. Can we have your thoughts on this?

As you said, with the contribution of the European Union, a brochure has been published to popularise e-Sailing in Turkey. Before the publication of this brochure, we had and still have very successful racers on the VR E-Sailing platform. But due to the low number of participants from Turkey, we were not able to get a place in the overall ranking. I hope this will change. For example, we were able to find 12 people for the Offshore Turkey Sailing Federation team.

What would be your first advice to those who want to own a boat?

Owning a boat requires the ability to solve all the problems that may arise and to have an idea of how to make the best use of your boat after you can afford the financial burden it brings.

What are your longest trips on your own boat?

My longest voyage with my boat was Marseille-Corsica-Messina-Ios-Bodrum in 2004, which took 16 days.

Can you tell us about the dreams you want to realise with your boat in the future?

My dream is to cross the Atlantic Ocean by sailing, although not with my boat. Although I've had the opportunity twice, I haven't been able to plan it in time. If I am lucky, this is my dream now.

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule.

The Sailor's Newspaper / Banu Demir

Photos: Doğan Pinhas Archive

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